Getting Started
Thankyou for purchasing this Panasonic digital cellular phone. This
phoneis designed to operate on the Global System for Mobile
Communications(GSM), GSM900 or GSM1800. Ensure the battery
isfully charged before use.
Beforeoperating this phone please read the “Important
Information”section - see page 68.
Theseoperating instructions detail use of the equipment contained in
theMain Kit. Some services detailed, are network dependent or may
onlybe available on a subscription basis. Some functions are SIM
dependent.For more information contact your Service Provider.

Fitting the SIM

TheSIM is inserted into the back of
thephone underneath the battery.
First,remove the battery - see
Removingthe Batterypage 2.
Placethe SIM in the recess at the
rearof the phone (1) ensuring the
bevelledcorner is positioned in the
topleft corner. Slide the SIM fully
down(2) using light pressure until
theSIM retaining clip has clicked into

Removing the SIM

Ensurethe SIM retaining clip is
presseddown (1) and while holding
thisdown slide the SIM upwards(2).
Onceclear of the SIM recess, the
SIMcan be removed.