12.05.21 Bobbin case opener positionRequirement
1.There must be a clearance of 0.5 mm between the top edge of the bobbin case opener and the inner edge of the bottom section of the bobbin case.
2.Between the bobbin case opener finger and the bottom section of the bobbin case opener there must be a clearance of 0.8mm.
3.At the left point of reversal of the bobbin case opener the bobbin case
mm | |
0.5 |
0.8 mm
0.3 mm
4 5
Fig. 12 - 22
●Loosen screw2.
●Place bobbin opener1 on the right side of the bobbin case base, press it against clamp crank3 located underneath this and slightly tighten screw2.
●Adjust eccentric bearing bush4 (screw5) in accordance withrequirements1 and2.
●Adjust bobbin opener1 in accordance withrequirement3 and tighten screw2, taking care to see that bobbin opener1 is touching clamp crank3
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