Wearing parts

13 Wearing parts

This is a list of the most important wearing parts.

You can order a detailed spare parts list for the complete machine under part no. 296-12-18 600.

91-100 296-25 (3x)

91-701 179-15

11-108 174-´25


11-108 174-15 (2x)


91-268 674-91 A B

91-265 227-05 (3x)

91-168 178-05

91-268 679-05 A B


91-268 675-91 A B

11-174 912-15 (2x)


91-268 678-05

91-168 627-45 A B


11-210 009-15 (3x)

91-168 468-05


91-009 026-05


91-168 628-91 A B

91-002 134-05

91-000 250-15



91-000 390-15

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