PC Connection 23

Add an Entry

1To add a new entry, select New. You can choose
whether to add a single entry or a group.
2Enter the name and number and select the transfer
speed for fax transmissions to this recipient (also see
chapter Telephone Book, page 11). Confirm with OK.

Edit Entry

Edit Entry
1Select the entry that you would like to edit and click on
2Modify the name or the number.
3Confirm with OK.

Add a Group

1Enter the name of the group.
2Click on Select the members to add new entries to
the group.
3Add new members to the group using the arrow but-
4Confirm with OK.

Edit Group

Edit Group
1Select the group that you would like to edit.
2Choose Select the members to add new entries to the
group or remove entries from the group. Click on
Erase to delete the entire group.
3Confirm with OK.

Archiving the Telephone Book

With the address book of the Companion Suite LL you
can save the telephone book entries of your device to your
PC or load saved entries (file format *.csv).
Click on File > Export to save the telephone book en-
tries. You can select the directory in which you would like
to save the file.
Click on File > Import to add entries to the address book.
Select the file you would like to import; the entries are add-
ed to the existing entries.
Archiving the Telephone Book

Modifying the Settings

Settings on the Device

1Click on the Settings button to modify the basic set-
tings of your device. Among other setting, you can en-
ter your name and number, set the date and time, select
the connection type and set the parameters for the de-
vice. You can also configure the security codes for the
fax memory and keyboard lock.
2Confirm with OK.

Settings for Scan-to-PDF

1Click on Status.
2Selecting the register ScanTo.
The data in the file must be separated by semicolons