B8−01 What are macros? How are they different from regular commands? B8−02 What would a macro for a system on/off button look like?
B8−03 How can I get the Pronto to "hold" a button for several seconds in a macro? B8−04 How can I enter multiple digits on a single button, say for a favorite channel icon? B8−05 Can I use more than one page jump in a macro?
B8−06 Can I have delays shorter than 0.1 seconds?
B8−07 Can I change the default delay time from 0.1 seconds?
B8−08 Why aren't the commands I assigned to each device being sent when I use my custom Home panel?
B8−09 Why are some of my macro commands not being received? B8−10 How can I handle switching Video Inputs?
Custom Bitmaps
B9−01 Where would I use bitmap files? B9−02 How can I create my own bitmaps?
B9−03 Can I use transparent or animated bitmaps? B9−04 Why are my bitmaps/icons truncated? B9−05 How can I create a really large gallery file?
B9−06 How can I best create color graphics for the ProntoPro? B9−07 How do I convert color CCF graphics to black and white?
B9−08 Is it possible to change system−level bitmaps, such as the device bar and Home icon background?
Memory Optimization
B10−01 How can I optimize memory usage?
B10−02 What are aliases and how are they used?
B10−03 General ProntoEdit & RC5000 Setup Tips
B10−04 What exactly does the "CCF Optimizer" utility do?
Other Functions
B11−01 What is mouse mode for?
B11−02 Why do my custom beeps not make any sound?
B11−03 How do I use and activate timers?
B11−04 Why won't my timers change to a new page?
B11−05 Can I password protect pages?
B11−06 On Marantz remotes, how can I use the page memory feature?
B11−07 Can I use the built−in database codes with my own custom files?
Problem Diagnosis
B12−01 Why do my RF codes not work?
B12−02 What happens if I get a "Configuration is xx% too big to fit in Pronto" error message? B12−03 Why does the emulator complain that it "Can't open configuration file"?
B12−04 Why does the alias list show strange symbols? (Plus other FONT troubleshooting.) B12−05 Why does ProntoEdit not install correctly or give strange errors right after installation when I try to run it?
B12−06 Why does ProntoEdit crash when learning IR codes in Windows XP, 2000 or NT? B12−07 I'm getting an error with MFC42.DLL. What can I do?
B12−08 In ProntoEdit v2.0, why can't I edit hex codes? B12−09 Why can't I change IR code labels?
B12−10 I'm getting a "none or invalid pronto.ini file" error message.
RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ | 4 |