Unofficial Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 FAQ
Section A2: Hardware Questions:
Physical Characteristics
A2−01 What are the hardware differences between models?
North American Pronto TS−1000: 1 megabyte of memory. Case color is solid dark blue/green
(something I've coined as "Midnight Sea Foam"). Optional silver desktop charger. Note: All Prontos no longer include the light sensor!
North American Pronto TSU2000: 2 megabytes of memory. Color is painted silver over gray plastic. Otherwise, hardware is the same as the TS−1000.
North American ProntoPro TSU6000: 8 megabytes of memory. Features a 256−color LCD screen, pickup sensor, two additional hard buttons, newly designed case, RF capabilities plus packaged NiMH rechargable batteries and docking station.
European Pronto RU−890: 1 megabyte of memory. Color is painted silver over gray plastic. Optional silver desktop charger includes an appropriate AC/DC converter depending on region. Otherwise identical to the TS−1000.
European Pronto RU−940: 2 megabytes of memory. Otherwise identical to the RU−890.
European Pronto RU−970: 8 megabytes of memory. Otherwise identical to the TSU6000.
OEM Pronto TS−1003: 1 megabyte of memory. Color is solid black. This is only available with high−end Philips HDTV sets. It is not 100% compatible with other Pronto models.
Worldwide Marantz RC5000: 1 megabyte of memory. Color is painted gold over white plastic. Base package includes a gold desktop charger plus an appropriate AC/DC converter. Models no longer include the light sensor.
Worldwide Marantz RC5000i: 2 megabytes of memory. Hardware is otherwise identical to the RC5000.
Worldwide Marantz RC5200: 2 megabytes of memory. Features a newly designed case, upgrades total number of hard buttons from the RC5000i's 8 to 16 and adds RF capabilities (RF basestation is optional).
Worldwide Marantz RC9200: 8 megabytes of memory. Features a 256−color LCD screen, 8 additional hard buttons, newly designed case, RF capabilities and is packaged with NiMH rechargable batteries, docking station and RF basestation.
Worldwide Onkyo CHAD USR−5RF: 2 megabytes of memory. New physical case design plus RF capabilities (basestation is optional). Hardware is otherwise identical to the Pronto TSU2000.
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