You can use this menu to display all the multicast groups currently active on this switch, the IGMP registration table, the multicast forwarding cache, and DVMRP routing information.
Parameter | Description |
IP Multicast | Displays all active multicast groups, including the multicast IP address and the |
Registration Table | corresponding VLANs. (See 4.6.5 IP Multicast Registration Table.) |
IGMP Registration | Displays all active multicast groups, including the IP interface each entry |
Table | appears on, the entry age, and the time left before the entry is aged out. |
Multicast Forwarding | Displays all active multicast groups, including the multicast source address, the |
Cache Table | upstream neighbor, the multicast routing protocol, and the entry age. |
DVMRP Routing Table | Displays the source address for each known multicast service, the upstream |
| neighbor, the IP interface each entry appears on, the routing metric, and the |
| entry age. |
DVMRP Neighbor | Displays all the neighbor routers accessible through each IP interface, including |
Table | the entry age, the time left before the entry is aged out, the protocol version, and |
| the number of routing updates received from each neighboring router. |
WGS3 Layer 3 Switch User’s Manual | - 116 - |