4 – Managing Switches | |
Configuring a Switch | |
Remote Logging
The Remote Logging (syslog) feature enables saving of the log information to a remote host that supports the syslog protocol. When enabled, the log entries are sent to the syslog host at the IP address that you specify in the Logging Host IP Address field. Log entries are saved in the internal switch log whether this feature is enabled or not.
To save log information to a remote host, you must edit the syslog.conf file and then restart the syslog daemon. The syslog.conf file on the remote host must contain an entry that specifies the name of the log file in which to save error messages. Add the following line to the syslog.conf file. A <tab> separates the selector field (local0.info) and action field which contains the log file path name (/var/adm/messages/messages.name).
local0.info <tab> /var/adm/messages.name
SNMP Configuration
The SNMP configuration defines how authentication traps are managed.
| Table |
Parameter | Description |
Contact | Specifies the name of the contact person who is to be contacted to |
| respond to trap events. The default is undefined. |
Read | Read Community Authentication. A |
Community | switch and the SNMP management server must be the same. The |
| default value is Public. |
Trap Community | Trap Community Authentication. A |
| switch and the SNMP management server must be the same. The |
| default value is Public. |
Location | Specifies the switch location. The default is undefined. |
Authentication | Enables or disables the reporting of SNMP authentication failures. If |
Trap | enabled, a notification trap is sent to the configured trap addresses in |
| the event of an authentication failure if incorrect community string |
| values are used. The default value is False. |
Write | Write Community Authentication. A |
Community | switch and the SNMP management server must be the same. The |
| default value is Private. |