Booklet Finisher Error Codes (Option)
When Invalid Booklet#xx or Invalid Folder #xx is displayed on the OCP, cancel the job and remove any remaining paper. Refer to the applicable error code in the table below for a description of the problem. Resubmit the job after taking the appropriate corrective action.
Error Code | Description |
(#xx) |
| |
| |
#01 | Single sheet booklet required. |
#02 | Mixed paper sizes requested in booklet. |
#03 | Uncollated set booklet required. |
| Booklet |
#04 | The print job is over 16 sheets or the thickness of the paper is over 1.7 mm. |
Folding |
| |
| |
| The print job is over 3 sheets or the thickness of the paper is over 0.3 mm. |
#05 | FaceUp requested. |
#12 | Invalid request for transparencies or labels in booklet. |
#13 | Invalid custom paper code requested for booklet. |
#14 | Unsupported paper code requested for booklet. |
#15 | Incorrect stacker requested for booklet (must be Booklet Stacker or AUTO). |
#16 | Incorrect stacker requested for Saddle Stitch booklet. |
#17 | Trimming requested without Booklet Stacker and Saddle Stitch. |
#18 | Tab Stock paper requested from an inserter tray. |
The following paper sizes and weights can be used when creating a booklet to be Saddle Stitched.
Paper Size:
A4 (SEF), B4 (SEF), A3 (SEF), Letter (SEF), Folio (SEF), Legal (SEF), Ledger (SEF), and Custom Size.
Custom Size:
Leading Edge (Width): 8.27 inch (210.0 mm) to 12.0 inch (304.8 mm).
Side Edge (Length): 7.2 inch (182.0 mm) to 18.0 inch (457.2 mm).
Paper Weight:
Bond: 16 to 53 lb (60 to 199 g/m2).
Index: 90 to 110 lb (163 to 199 g/m2).
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