OCP Display Messages
The OCP displays the printer status with 1- to
For information on messages not explained here, please refer to your
Message |
| Description | Corrective Action |
Booklet Stacker Full |
| Remove booklets. |
| |
Remove Booklets |
| ||
| |
Booklet Stacker Full |
| Remove booklets. |
| |
Remove Paper | E027 |
| ||
Call for Service |
| Any “Call for Service” message requires | Contact your authorized Service |
| a service call for problem resolution. | Technician and provide the error code |
| |
Exxx or other text |
| ||
| Line 2 is the error code. | displayed on the OCP. |
| |
| ||
| |
Container x Top Cover Open | The top cover of the container is open. | Close the cover. |
| |
Close Cover |
| x is the container number. |
ContainerxV Path Cover Open | The v path cover of the container is | Close the cover. |
| |
Close Cover |
| open. x is the container number. |
| |
| ||
Deleting Jobs |
| Status message. The selected jobs are | Wait for the printer to return to a Ready |
| being deleted from the print queue. | state. |
| |
| ||
| |
Developer Bottle Not Set | The developer bottle is not seated | Reseat the bottle. |
| |
Set Developer Bottle | E01E | properly. |
| |
| |||
Developer Error |
| An error occurred when operating the | Retry. If the error occurs again, contact |
Retry Exhausting | E048 | developer. | an authorized Service Technician. |
Developer Error |
| An error occurred when replacing the | Retry. If the error occurs again, contact |
Retry Operation | E047 | developer mix. | an authorized Service Technician. |
| |
Developer Mix End of Life | The developer mixture needs to be | Replace developer. Printing will resume |
| |
Replace Developer | E012 | exchanged. | when the developer is replaced. |
Drum Unit End of Life |
| The photoconductive drum needs to | Replace the Drum Unit. Printing will |
| resume when the Drum Unit is |
| ||
Replace Drum Unit | E016 | be replaced. |
| |
replaced. |
| |||
| |
| |
Drum Wrap Sensor Error | The drum wrap sensor level is | Contact your authorized Service |
| |
Clean Wrap Sensor | E018 | abnormal. | Technician. |
Drum Wrap |
| Simplex paper is wrapped around the | Remove the jammed paper. |
Remove Paper | E118 | drum. |
| |
| |||
Drum Wrap |
| Duplex paper is wrapped around the | Remove the jammed paper. |
Remove Paper | E119 | drum. |
| |
| |||
| Contact your System Administrator for |
| ||
| additional information. |
| ||
| |
| |
Elevator Tray Paper Full | The output tray of the Standard | Remove paper from the elevator tray. |
| |
Remove Paper | E009 | Finisher is full. |
| |
| |||
| |
Elevator Tray Paper Full | Paper did not stack properly in the | Remove paper from the elevator tray. |
| |
Remove Paper | E00A | output tray of the Standard Finisher. |
| |
| |||
| Passwords are for use by System | Contact your System Administrator for |
Enter new password |
| Administrators and Service |
| |
| additional information. |
| ||
| Technicians only. |
| |
| |
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