Cooking Smart
Cooking Smart
Dual cook
Before using dual cook function insert the divider into the oven. We recommend preheat the oven for best results.
The following table presents 5 dual cook guides we recommended for cooking, roasting and baking. Using dual cook function, you will be able to cook your main dish & side dish or main dish & dessert simultaneously.
•Using dual cook function, preheating time can be extended.
No | Cavity | Food | Accessory | Level | Type of | Temp. | Time |
| heating | (°C) | (min.) |
1 | Upper | Sponge cake | Wire rack, Ø 25- | 4 |
| ||
| 26 cm tin |
| Lower | Homemade | Universal tray | 1 |
| ||
| pizza, 1.0- |
| 1.2 kg |
2 | Upper | Roast | Universal tray | 4 |
| ||
| vegetables, |
| |
| Lower | Apple pie | Wire rack, | 1 |
| ||
| Ø 20 cm tin |
3 | Upper | Pita bread | Universal tray | 4 |
| ||
| Lower | Potato gratin, | Wire rack, 22- | 1 |
| ||
| 24cm oven dish |
| |
4 | Upper | Chicken, | Wire rack + | 4 |
| ||
| drumstick | universal tray | 4 |
| Lower | Lasagne, 1.0- | Wire rack, 22- | 1 |
| ||
| 1.5 kg | 24cm oven dish |
5 | Upper | Fish fillet, | Wire rack + | 4 |
| ||
| baked | Universal tray | 4 |
| Lower | Apple puff | Universal tray | 1 |
| ||
| pastry |
48 English