Management Card
User Manual
Choice of one of the available languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish changes the language of the html interface pages
Alarm notification remains in English / French (reboot the browser after modification). SNMP message remain in English.
◗Environment log interval: [from 5 to 99999 sec ]. Temperature and humidity measurement save period. Default value = 300 sec. (only visible if the sensor is present).
◗Environment refresh rate: [from 5 to 99999 sec]. “Environment status” page refresh rate. Default value = 60 sec. (only visible if the sensor is present).
◗Environment input grace period : [from 0 to 9 sec ]. Period during which a status change by one of the inputs is not considered. Default value = 1 sec. (only visible if the sensor is present).
◗“Reset communication” button: performs a remote reboot of the card without modifying the configuration. This action is compulsory for consideration of any changes made on the “Network settings” page. Security of this operation is ensured by requesting Login and Password.
◗“Fatory Reset” button: enables restoration of the default configuration of all the card’s parameters. The TCP/IP parameters: IP address, subnet mask, gateway and BootP/DHCP value are maintained if the “Keep TCP/IP parameters” option is selected. Security of this operation is ensured by requesting Login and Password. Default login and Password are: MGEUPS
If any of these parameters are changed, the card must be rebooted.
Network Management Card – User Manual | 34003676EN/HA | Page 44/81 |