Automation and Drives - SCE
Assignment List: |
Symbol: | Address: | Comment | |
Start | I | 1.3 | Button Start |
Stop | I | 1.4 | Button Stop |
AI_Level_Actual | PEW 128 | Analog input for the level sensor | |
AI_Level_Setpoint | PEW 130 | Analog input for the setpoint selection | |
AI_Level_Act_Norm | MD | 20 | Normalized value for the level |
AI_Level_Setp_Norm | MD | 24 | Normalized value for the level setpoint |
M_X1 | MD | 32 | Intermediate flag half the differential |
M_Xo | MD | 36 | Intermediate flag high operating point |
M_Xs | MD | 28 | Intermediate flag switching hysteresis |
M_Xu | MD | 40 | Intermediate flag low operating point |
Controller_On | M | 10.0 | Flag controller is switched on |
Pump | A | 0.0 | Pump activation binary |
Display_ON | A | 1.0 | Indication: system is on |
Analog | FC1 |
| Subroutine analog value processing |
Two Pos.Controller | FC2 |
| Subroutine two position controller |
Create a project with hardware configuration for a
There, create a program in an FC1 with the following functionality:
-The analog value for the process variable Level is to be entered, and normalized to the physical variable "Liter“. The normalized value is made available in MD20 as a floating point number.
Note: If the level is 10 liters, the level sensor returns 0V, for 100 liters 10V.
-The analog value for the setpoint is to be entered, and made available normalized as floating point number in MD24.
Save FC1.
Then, set up the two position controller in an FC2, based on the structogram provided above. Call FC1 for inputting the setpoint and the actual value.
Save FC2 and call it in OB1. Save OB1 and load the entire station to the PLC.
| Preface Fundamentals | Discontinuous Action Controllerr | Controller Block (S)FB41 | Setting the System Appendix |
| T I A Training Document | Page 33 of 64 | Module | ||
| B3 | |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Control Engineering with STEP 7 |