Automation and Drives - SCE
14.In the hardware configuration, at Properties of the CPU, a fixed cycle time can be set for executing OB35.
However, this cycle time should not be selected too short. It has to be ensured that all blocks called from OB35 can be processed within this time, and if OB1 is used at the same time, that there is enough time for it also. (→ Execution)
Enter execution time
15. Open ‘OB35’ from SIMATIC Manager (→ OB35)
Double click on block 'OB35'
| Preface Fundamentals | Discontinuous Action Controllerr | Controller Block (S)FB41 |
| Setting the System Appendix |
| T I A Training Document | Page 47 of 64 | Module | |||
| B3 | |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Control Engineering with STEP 7 |