Automation and Drives - SCE
Hardware and software required
1PC, operating system Windows 2000 Professional starting with SP4/XP Professional starting with SP1/Server 2003 with 600MHz and 512RAM, free hard disk storage 650 to 900 MB, MS Internet Explorer 6.0
2Software STEP7 V 5.4
3MPI interface for the PC (for example, PC adapter USB)
Sample configuration:
-Power supply: PS 307 2A
5Controlled System
6Connection lines for connecting the controlled system to analog inputs and outputs of the
1 PC
2 STEP 7
3 PC Adapter USB
| 6 Connection Lines |
4 | 5 Controlled System |
| Preface Fundamentals | Discontinuous Action Controllerr Controller Block (S)FB41 | Setting the System Appendix |
| T I A Training Document | Page 6 of 64 | Module | |
| B3 | |
Issued: 02/2008 |
| Control Engineering with STEP 7 |