Notification by SMS

You can arrange to be notified about missed calls by SMS.

Precondition: For missed calls, the caller's number (CLI) must have been transmit- ted.

Notification is sent to your mobile phone or another phone with SMS functionality.

You only need to set the phone number to which notification should be sent (notifi- cation number) and the notification type.

Please note that your network provider will usually charge for SMS notifications.

Storing the notification number

v ¢î ¢ ¢

¢Notify Number

~Enter the number (including

dialling code) to which the

SMS is to be sent.Messaging SMS Settings


Press the display key.


Press and hold (idle status).


Do not enter your own fixed network number for the notification of missed calls. This can lead to chargeable endless looping.

Setting the notification type

v ¢î ¢ ¢




¢Notify Type



Missed Calls:

Set On if you require SMS notification. ¤ Save changes (page 101).

SMS (text messages)

SMS mailboxes

The General Mailbox is the default set- ting. Anyone can access this mailbox and it cannot be protected by a PIN. You can additionally set up three personal mailboxes and protect these with a PIN. Each mailbox is identified by a name and a 'Mailbox ID' (a kind of extension number).

Please note:

uIf you operate a number of devices (base stations) with SMS functionality on a single phone line, then each SMS mailbox ID may only occur once. In this case you must also change the preset ID of the general mailbox ('0').

uYou can only use personal mailboxes if your service provider supports this function. You can tell whether this is the case by the addition of a star (*) to the number of a (preset) SMS centre.

uIf you have forgotten your mailbox PIN, you can reset it by restoring the base station's default settings. This will delete all SMS messages from all mailboxes.

Setting up and changing a personal mailbox

Setting up a personal mailbox

v ¢î ¢ ¢

Messaging SMS


¢SMS Mailboxes


s Select a mailbox,

e.g. Mailbox 2, and press §OK§.

¤ Change multiple line input:


Activate or deactivate mailbox.


Select mailbox ID (0–9). You can only select the available numbers.


Activate/deactivate PIN protection.


If necessary, enter 4-digit PIN.

¤Save changes (page 101).