Using the directory and lists

Please note:

If calls are saved in the network mailbox you will receive a message if the appropriate settings have been made (see the network mailbox instructions of your network provider).

Incoming SMS list

All received SMS messages are saved in the incoming message list, see page 39.

Calls list

Precondition: Calling Line Identification (CLIP, page 21).

Depending on the type of list set, the calls list contains

u all incoming (marked with ½) and outgoing calls

umissed calls only

The numbers of the last 30 calls are saved.

Multiple calls from the same number will be stored once in the list of missed calls (the latest call). The number of calls from this number is shown in brackets after the entry.

Multiple calls from the same number are stored several times in the list of answered calls.

Please note:

Only calls to the receiving numbers assigned to your handset are stored in the calls list (page 85).

If no receiving numbers are assigned, all calls will be stored in the calls list for all handsets.

Setting the calls list type

v ¢Ð ¢

¢ Settings BaseCalls List TypeMissed Calls / All Calls½ Select and press §OK§ ( = on).

aPress and hold (idle status).

The calls list entries are retained when you change the list type.

Opening the calls list

f ¢Calls List: (2)

qSelect entry.

The last incoming call is displayed in the calls list.

List entry

New messages are on top.

Example of list entries:

All Calls

Susi Sorglos

29/08/06 12:20 ½

Louise Miller




uList type (in header) u Status of entry

Bold: new entry

u Number or name of caller

You can add the caller's number to the directory (page 32).

uDate and time of call (if set, page 9) u Type of entry:

answered calls (½)

missed calls

Pressing the display key §Delete§ deletes the marked entry.