Defining local communication ports for VoIP
¤Open the following Web page:
Settings ¢Telephony ¢Advanced Set- tings.
In the Listen Ports for VoIP Connections area, specify which local ports the telephone is to use for VoIP telephony. The ports must not be used by any other subscriber in the LAN.
SIP portSpecify the local communication port that the phone should use to send and receive signalling data. Specify a number between 1024 and 49152. The default port number for SIP signalling is 5060.
RTP portSpecify the local communication port that the phone should use to send and receive voice data. Enter an even number between 1024 and 49152. The port number must not be the same as the port number in the SIP port field. If you enter an odd number, the even number just below it will be set (e.g. if you enter 5003, 5002 is set). The default port number for voice transmission is 5004.
Use random portsClick on the Yes option if you do not want the phone to use fixed ports for SIP port and RTP port, but rather to use any free ports.
The use of random ports makes sense if you want several phones to be operated on the same router with NAT. The phones must then use different ports so that the router's NAT is only able to forward incoming calls and voice data to one (the intended) phone.
If you click on No, the phone will use the ports specified in SIP port and RTP port.
¤Now click on Set to save your settings.
Web configurator
Defining dialling plans
You can define
¤Open the following Web page:
Settings ¢Telephony ¢Dialing Plans.Setting Area Code Predialling
In VoIP calls you must generally always dial the area code – even for local calls.
You can save the annoying need to dial the area code for local calls by activating the Area Code Predialling function. In VoIP calls, the area code entered is then prefixed to all numbers that do not start with 0 – even when dialling numbers from the directory and other lists.
¤Enter your area code in the Area Code field, e.g. 089.
¤Click on the Yes option next to Predial area code for local calls through VoIP to activate the function.
If you click on No you must enter the area code even for local calls via VoIP. Numbers in the directory must always contain the area code for dialling via VoIP.
¤Click on Set to save the settings.
Please note that if the option is activated, the area code is prefixed to all phone numbers that do not start with 0 and are dialled via VoIP. This is especially the case for numbers of the network answer machine (page 55) and, if the Emergency calls always via fixed line option is deactivated (see below), for emergency num- bers.