Commercial-grade, touch-enabledflat panel
YourSMARTBoard 8055iinteractive flat panelfeatures SMART’s proprietaryDViT® (Digital Vision
Touch)technology onan LCD screenwhich enables you to select, w rite anderase on the interactive
surface.I t enablesy outo do everything you can do at your computer—openand close applications,
conferencewith others, create new documents oredit exist ingones, v isit websites, play and
manipulatevideo clips and more—justby touching the interactive surface. Two users can also draw
onthe interactive surface at the same time, and you can use an arrayof gestures within applications.
Theprofessional designand crisp, eye-catching visuals of the SMARTBoard 8055iinteractive flat
panelmake it perfect for any high-endworkspace.
Touse all t hef eaturesof your interactive flat panel describedin this guide,go to
smarttech.com/downloadsand ensurethat you have the latest version of SMART soft wareand
SMART Product Drivers installed onyour computer.
Theinteractive flat panel has two presence detectionsensors on its framethat can detect people up
to 16' (5m) away. Whent hesensors detect people in the room,t heinteractive flat panel turns on.
Whenthe sensors no longerdetect people in the room, thei nteractivefl at panelturns off.
Dualsketch capabilities
Two peoplecan each pick up a pen anddraw on the interactive surface at the same time, providinga
higherdegreeof interactivity.
SMARTInk enablesyou to write and draw in digital ink over openapplications, files, folders,
websites andany other openw indowon your computer. When you write outside theopen windows on
yourcomputer, a SMARTInk Note appears andyou can write inside the note.
Whenyou open an applicationthat has its own ink tools, you can turn off SMARTInk, and then use
theapplication's ink t oolst o write in the content.
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour intera ctiveflat panel