Using yourSMAR TBoardinteractive flat panel, you can write, draw anderase digital ink, manipulate
objects andbrowse content on the screen.
AboutSMART Ink
SMART Ink enables you to write anddraw in digital ink over open applications,files, folders,
websites andany other open window onyour computer.
Youcan write over an Internet browserw indow, highlightcontent on your screenand write over a
videowit houtpausing the video andwi thoutinterfering with your ability to interact with the video.
Whenyou move, resize or minimize a window, the ink st ays with the window.
Youcan convert your digital ink notes to text. Youcan also move, erase and captureyour notes as an
imageand save it to your SMART s oftware.
Whenyou open an applicationthat has its own ink tools, you can turn off SMART Ink, andthen use
theapplication's ink t oolst o write.
Formore informationsee SMART Ink for Windows (smarttech.com/SupportInk1Windows)or
SMART Ink for Mac (smarttech.com/SupportInk1Mac)on the SMARTSupportwebsite.
SMART Ink Notes
SMART Ink Notes enable you to write in digital ink anywhereon your desktop. When you write
outsideof the open windows on your computer,a SMART Ink Note appearsand you can write inside
SMART Ink Document Viewer
If you’re usinga W indows operatingsystem, the SMART Ink Document Viewer enablesyou to view
yourPDF files andt o write in digital ink over yourfil es.
SMART Ink Toolbar
If your computeris connectedto a SMART interactive product, SMART Ink starts automatically
whenyou st arty ourcomputer and theS MART Ink toolbar appearsin the title bar of each open
windowon your computer.
Use the toolbarto select ink propertiesfor that window and to performcommon tasks s uchas
capturingyour notes.
CH A P T E R 5
Usingyour interactive flat panel