lAttach the speakersand connect the speaker wires to the interactive flat panelbefore you
wall-mountit. Formore information,s eeInst allingthe speakers on page 14.
Importantmounting considerations for trainedinstallersConsiderthe following when mountingthe interactive flat panel on a wall:
ll Plany ourworkflow t o includecabling becauses omec ableconnection points might not be
accessible afterinst allation.
lCarryand lift theinteractive flat panelby grippingthe handles ands ides.
lTomount the interactive flat panel on a wall, you requirea standard VESA 600 mm × 400 mm
compatiblewall mount bracket (notincluded). Thewall mount bracket must haveminimum
depthof 14 mm to ensure sufficient space for the speakers.
lUse M8 screws to fasten the wall bracket. The screws must be14–15 mm long plus the
thickness of the bracket andt hew asher.
lTherecommendedfasten force is 99.57–121.70in-lb. (11.25–13.75N·m).
lRefert o theinst ructionsi ncludedwith the mounting equipmentfor more detailedinformation.
Choosinga mounting locationConsiderthe following when you select a location for the interactive flat panel:
lThewall must bes trongenoughto s upportthe interactive flat panel andt hemounting
equipment.The interactive flat panelweighs 98 lb. (44.5 kg).
lDo not install the interactive flat panelin a location where a dooror gate could hit it.
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyour interactiveflat panel