gTo updateyour interactive flat panelfirmware
1. Ensure youri nteractivef lat panelis connectedto your computer.
2. Launcht hef irmwareupdater at the followinglocation:
Windows computers:C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\SMART Product
Mac computers:HD\A pplications\SMART Product
3. Follow the on-screeninstructions using your computer’s mouseand keyboard. Don’t touch the
interactiveflat panelscreen.
4. Select the check box for the SMART interactiveproduct you want to update, andt henclick
A progressbar appears.
SC14 refersto the SMAR TBoard8000series interactive flat panel’s serial controller.
5. When the installation is complete, calibratey ourinteractive flat panel. See Calibratingy our
interactiveflat panelon the next page
UpdatingSMART ProductDriversTouse t ouchcontrol and digital ink on yourinteractive flat panel,you requireSMARTProductDrivers
11or later on your computer.
gTo updateSMA RTProductDrivers
1. Click the SMART Board icon in t henotification area (Windows operatingsyst ems)or the
Dock (MacOSXoperatings ystem software), and thenselect Check forU pdatesand
Click the SMART Meeting Pro icon in the notification area andthen select Check for
Updatesand Activation.
TheSMART P roductUpdate window appears.
2. If y ourversion of SMARTProductDriversis up-to-date,click OK.
If your versionof SMARTProductDriversneeds to beupdated, click Update.
3. Follow the on--screen instructions to updateSMAR TProductDriversto the latest version.
CH A P T E R 7
Maintainingyour interactive flat panel