Orienting your interactive flat panel
Whenthe location of your touch is misinterpreted(a pointer appearsa distance from the actual
contact), orientyour interactive flat panel.
gTo orient thei nteractive flatpanel
1. Presst heorientation button onthe color select module.
Theorientation window opens.
2. Use an interactive flat panel pent o press thered targets as they appear. Hold the tip of the pen
at the centerof each target, and then lift the pen. When you lift the pen, the targetmoves to the
next orientationpoint.
Holdt hepen perpendicularto the screen.
3. Continue until you’ve pressedall the targets.
Theorientation window closes.
If this doesn’t correct inaccuratetouch control, calibrate your interactivef lat panel.For more
information,see Calibratingy ourinteractive flat panel on the previous page.
Replacing a pen nib
Toprevent damageto y ourinteractive flat panel’s anti-glarecoating, replace your pennib if it
becomesworn. Four replacementpen nibs areincluded with your pens, and you can purchase
additionalreplacementsfrom your authorizedSMART reseller(smarttech.com/where).
gTo replacea pen nib
1. Grasp the wornnib on your pen with a pair of pliers, andthen pull and twist the nib loose.
2. Press the replacementnib into the pen.
CH A P T E R 7
Maintainingyour interactive flat panel