Connecting computer 2
Youcan connect a second laptop to the installed USB cable andv ideocable that is c onnectedto the
back terminalpanel of your interactive flat panel.I f those cables aren't installed, connectt helaptop to
thes idet erminalpanel (seeC onnectinga guest laptop on page47). For a diagramof t hevarious
computeroptions, see Connecting computersto your interactive flat panel on page 16.
Thelaptop must have SMARTProductDriversinstalled. If it doesn’t, you needto connect the
laptopto the interactive flat panel using a SMARTGoWirecable. If youpurchased an
SBID8055i-SMPor SBID8055ie-SMP model,y ouc anuse t hesupplied SMARTGoWirec ableto
connectyour laptop to the interactive flat panel. For moreinformation, see Using a SMARTGoWire
cable onpage 48.
gTo connectcomputer 2
1. Place the laptop besidethe ends of the cables at the computer 2 connection.
2. Connect the installed USB cable to a USB receptacle on the laptop.
3. Connect the VGA cable connectort o thelaptop.
4. Turn ont hec omputer.
5. Press the VGA2 button on the remotec ontrol.
Press the Input button onthe front control paneluntil t heinput source is VGA2.
gTo returnto using computer 1
Press the VGA 1 button on the remotecontrol.
Press the Input button onthe front control paneluntil t heinput source is VGA1.
CH A P T E R 6
Usingguest laptops with your interactiveflatpanel