Resolving issues using the SMART ConnectionWizard
Youcan resolve a variety of issues using the SMART ConnectionWiz ardfound in SMART Settings.
gTo startthe SMART Connection Wizard
1. Press the Help button on the color select module.
TheHelp and Supportf orYour SMART B oardInteractive Whiteboard window opens.
2. Press Connection Wizard.
TheSMART ConnectionWizard opens.
Youcan also access the SMART ConnectionW izardby pressingthe SMART B oardicon
int henotific ationarea (Windows operatingsystems) or the Dock (MacOSXoperating
system software), and thens electingSMAR TSettings> C onnectionWiz ard.
Click the SMART Meeting Pro icon in the notification area, then select
SMARTSettings > Connection Wizard.
3. Select SMART Board 8000 series interactiveflat panel, andthen press Next.
4. Select the option that best describes the issue you’reencountering, andfollow the on-screen
instructionst o troubleshootyour interactive flat panel.
CH A P T E R 8
Troubleshootingfor your inter activeflat panel