Chapter 7: Maintaining your interactive flatpanel
Updatingyour SMART softw areand firmware 51
UpdatingSMART s oftware 51
Updatingyour interactive flat panel firmware 52
UpdatingSMART Product Drivers 53
Calibratingyour interactive flat panel 54
Orientingyour interactive flat panel 55
Replacinga pen nib 55
Cleaningthe screen 56
Cleaningthe presencedetection sensors 56
Cleaningthe camera windows andreflective t ape 57
Maintainingventilation 57
Preventingcondensation 58
Checkingt heinteractive flat panelinstallation 58
Removingyour interactive flat panel 58
Transportingyourinteractive flat panel 60
If you properlymaintain your interactive flat panel,it will provide yearsof use.

Updating your SMART software and firmware

Touse t ouchcontrol and digital ink on yourinteractive flat panel,you requireSMARTsoftw areon
yourcomputer and up-to-datefirmwareon your interactive flat panel.

UpdatingSMART software

Onceyou have SMARTsoftware installed on yourc omputer,you can check for softw areupdates
with SMART Product Update by selecting Help > Check for Updates in the software or by browsing

Chapter 7