Importanti nformationfor your interactiveflat panel i
Chapter1: About your interactive flatpanel 1
Featurehighlights 2
Interactivef lat panelcomponents 3
Chapter2: Installing your interactive flatpanel 9
Environmentalrequirements 9
Wall-mountingyour interactivef lat panel 10
Chapter3: Connecting computers and peripheraldevices 13
Installingt hespeakers 14
Connectinga room controls ystem 15
Connectingcomputers to your interactive flat panel 16
Connectingto power and computer1 17
Installingc omputer2 connection 18
Disablingthe USB receptacleon the side terminal panel 20
Connectingperipheraldevices to your interactive flat panel 21
Chapter4: Installing SMAR T software 23
InstallingSMAR TMeetingPros oftware 24
InstallingSMAR TNotebooksoftware 24
Chapter5: Using your interactiveflat panel 27
Turningon andturning off your interactive flat panel 28
Understandingpresencedetection 29
Using the infraredremotec ontrol 30
Gettingst artedwith y ourSMARTBoard interactive flat panel 34
Playingaudio files on your interactive flat panel 45
Using the USB receptacle 46
Chapter6: Using guest laptopswith your interactive flatpanel 47
Connectinga guest laptop 47
Using a SMARTGoWirecable 48
Connectingcomputer 2 50
Chapter7: Maintaining your interactiveflat panel 51
Updatingyour SMART softw areand firmware 51
Calibratingyour interactive flat panel 54
Orientingyour interactive flat panel 55