Enteringtext on the interactive flat panel
Youcan enter text in text boxes ont heinteractive flat panel using the on-screenkeyboard ora
keyboardattached to your computer.
gTo entertext
1. Select the area whereyou want to enter text using your finger or a mouseconnected to the
2. Type on a connectedkeyboard or on-screenkeyboard.
Press the keyboardbutton on the interactivef lat panelto open the on-screenkeyboard.
Changingpen settingsYoucan change your pensett ings, includingline size and fill effects .
gTo changepen settings
1. Presst heSMA RT Board icon int henotific ationarea (Windows operatingsyst ems)or the
Dock (MacOSXoperatings ystem software).
Press the SMART Meeting Pro icon in the notification area.
2. Press SMART Settings.
3. Select Pen and Button Settingsin the drop-downlist.
4. PressB lackPen Settings to customize the black pen.
Press Blue Pen Settings tocustomize the blue pen.
Press Red Pen Settings tocustomize the redpen.
Press GreenPen Settings to customize the greenpen.
TheProperties dialogbox appears.
5. Press Line Style.
6. Adjust the color, thickness, l ineend and line style.
7. Press Fill Effects.
8. Adjust the transparency.
CH A P T E R 5
Usingyour interactive flat panel