Pattern number: 700

Effect type: matrix wipe

Motion type: transition

The foreground image appears in the upper left corner, and fills the screen in a series of vertical strips.


Pattern number: 1300

Effect type: slide

Motion type: transition

The foreground image appears from the right, and slides over the background image to the left.


Pattern number: 1700

Effect type: 3D rotation

Motion type: transition

The foreground image appears as a door rotating toward the viewer to close, and covers the background. When the door is completely closed, the foreground fills the screen.

Operation Basic 3 Chapter


Pattern number: 1902

Effect type: flip

Motion type: transition

The image rotates about a vertical axis as though a panel with the background on one side. When the panel reaches 90 degrees to the plane of the screen, the foreground image appears on the other side, and completely fills the screen when the transition ends.

Chapter 3 Basic Operation 3-19