This is used to store groups of Account Limit Settings. The page limits for each user are specified by selecting one of these stored groups when the user is stored.

When the [Page Limit Group List] key is selected, the following screen appears.
































List display

(3) [Return to the Defaults] key


This shows the currently stored groups. A group name

Use this to return the group settings to the factory default


can be selected to open an edit/delete screen for that

settings and delete the groups from the list.







[Add] key





Use this to add a new group.




Storing a page limit group

Select the [Add] key in the above screen to open a registration screen. Up to 20 groups can be stored. For more information, see "Settings".

Editing a page limit group

To open an edit screen for a group, select the group name from the list in the above screen. To delete a group from the list, select the checkbox next to the group ( ) and then select [Return to the Defaults]. A confirmation prompt will appear. Select [OK] to delete the group.

For more information, see "Settings".






Group Name

Store the name of the group (max. 32 characters).



Select the Group Name to be

Select one of the previously stored groups for use as a template for the new group. When

the Registration Model

selected, the group's settings are applied.



Function names

The names of the functions that can be configured are displayed. Set a limit for each function.




When [Prohibited] is selected for a mode, input and output from the mode are prohibited.

Page Limit

When [Unlimited] is selected for a mode, there is no limit to the number of pages that can be

input/output in that mode.



When [Limited] is selected, enter a limit (1 to 99,999,999 pages).


