11.3Setting OBEX and Bluetooth Preferences
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit allows you to configure the Bluetooth and OBEX simulation environment. Choose Edit > Preferences... from the KToolbar menu to see the following window.
FIGURE 38 Bluetooth and OBEX preferences
11.3.1OBEX Preferences
Devices using IrDA in the real world discover other devices by “listening”. You can configure how long the J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator waits to discover another device using the Discovery timeout field in the IrDA OBEX section of the preferences window. Enter a value in milliseconds.
At the API level, the discovery timeout value determines how long a call to Connector.open("irdaobex://discover...") will block before it returns or throws an exception.
The maximum packet length affects how much data is sent in each packet between emulators. Shorter packet values will result in more packets and more packet overhead.
74 J2ME Wireless Toolkit User’s Guide • October 2004