Developing MIDlet Suites
This chapter describes how you can use the J2ME Wireless Toolkit to create applications. It begins with a description of toolkit projects, then works through the development process.
There are two basic development cycles you are likely to follow in creating MIDlet suite applications. The first is quicker and simpler; you will probably use it in your initial development. The second cycle is longer but allows for more comprehensive and realistic testing.
Toward the end of the chapter you’ll read about how to use the J2ME Wireless Toolkit with advanced development tools like an obfuscator and a debugger. A final section briefly describes how to configure a web server to serve MIDP applications.
2.1About Projects
In the J2ME Wireless Toolkit, MIDlet suites are organized into projects, where the end result of one project is one MIDlet suite. A project contains all of the files that will be used to build a MIDlet suite, including Java source files, resource files, and the MIDlet descriptor.
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit works on one project at a time. You can create a new project or open an existing project.
In this chapter you will work with a very simple example project. As you read about each step in the development cycles, you can work along in the toolkit.
To create a new project, first start KToolbar. On Windows, choose Start > Programs > J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2 > KToolbar.2 You’ll see the KToolbar window.
2.Depending on how Windows is configured, you might need to choose Start > All Programs instead of Start > Programs.