Each subdirectory of filesystem is called a root. The J2ME Wireless Toolkit provides a mechanism for managing roots. While the emualtor is running, choose MIDlet > External events from the emulator window’s menu. You’ll see a utility window for adding and removing roots.
FIGURE 37 Managing filesystem roots
The mounted roots and their contents are available to applications using the FileConnection API.
To add a new root directory, click on Mount New... and fill in a name for the directory. To make a directory inaccessible to the FileConnection API, select it in the list and click Unmount.
10.2The PIM API
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator stores contact, calendar, and
Inside the list directory, items are stored in vCard or vCalendar format (see http:/ /www.imc.org/pdi/). Contacts are stored in vCard format, while calendar and
72 J2ME Wireless Toolkit User’s Guide • October 2004