■Maximum. The maximum amount of memory used since program execution began, shown in the graph by a broken red line.
■Objects. The number of objects in the heap.
■Used. The amount of memory used.
■Free. The amount of unused memory available.
■Total. The total amount of memory available at startup.
Remember, you can modify the heap size using the Storage tab of the KToolbar preferences. See Chapter 3, “Working With Projects,” for details.
To request the system to perform a garbage collection, click on Run GC.
Note – The memory usage you observe with the emulator is not going to be exactly the same as memory usage on a real device. Remember, the emulator does not represent a real device. It is just one possible implementation of its supported APIs.
To see details about the objects in your application, click on the Objects tab in the memory monitor window.
FIGURE 23 The memory monitor objects display
You’ll see a table with the following columns:
Chapter 5 Monitoring Applications 43