A.8 PDAPDemo
PDAPDemo shows how to use the PIM and FileConnection APIs that are part of the JSR 75 specification.
A.8.1 Browsing Files
To run the file browser, you’ll need to give the MIDlet appopriate security authorization. The easiest way to do this is to choose Edit > Preferences... from the KToolbar menu. Click on the Security tab. Change the Security domain to trusted and press OK.
Now open and run the PDAPDemo project. Launch the FileBrowser MIDlet. You will see a directory listing. You can browse through the available directories and files. By default there is one directory, root1.
FIGURE 50 Browsing files
Select a directory and press the select button to enter it. The root1 directory contains a single file, Readme.
94 J2ME Wireless Toolkit User’s Guide • October 2004