B.5.2 Signing MIDlet Suites
JadTool is a command-line interface for signing MIDlet suites using public key cryptography according to the MIDP 2.0 specification. Signing a MIDlet suite is the process of adding the signer certificates and the digital signature of the JAR file to a JAD file.
JadTool only uses certificates and keys from J2SE keystores. J2SE provides keytool, the command-line tool to manage J2SE keystores.
JadTool is packaged in a JAR file. To run it, open a command prompt, change the current directory to {toolkit}\bin, and enter the following command:
java -jar JADTool.jar <command>
The commands are as follows:
Print the usage instructions for JADTool.
-addcert-keystore<keystore> -alias <alias> -storepass<password> [-certnum <number>] [-chainnum <number>] -inputjad<input_jadfile> - outputjad <output_jadfile>
Add the certificate of the key pair from the given keystore to the JAD file. The default keystore is {toolkit}\appdb\_main.ks.
-addjarsig-jarfile<jarfile> -keystore<keystore> -alias <alias> - storepass <password> -keypass<password> -inputjad<input_jadfile> - outputjad <output_jadfile>
Add the digital signature of the given JAR file to the specified JAD file. The default value for -jarfileis the MIDlet-Jar-URLproperty in the JAD file. The default ME keystore is {toolkit}\appdb\_main.ks.
-showcert [([-certnum <number>] [-chainnum <number>]) -all [- encoding <encoding>] -inputjad <filename>
Display the list of certificates in the given JAD file.
The default value for:
-encoding is UTF-8
-jarfile is the MIDlet-Jar-URL property in the JAD -keystore is %HOMEPATH%\.keystore
-certnum is 1 -chainnum is 1