C H A P T E R 6
Configuring the Preinstalled
OpenSolaris Operating System
This chapter explains the steps for configuring the OpenSolarisTM Operating System (OS) that is preinstalled on the hard disk drive, if ordered. The preinstalled OpenSolaris version is OpenSolaris 2009.06 or later.
Note – Unlike with SPARC® systems, by default console output is redirected to the serial port. You will see the BIOS
This chapter includes the following topics:
■“Before You Begin” on page 70
■“Configuring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris Operating System” on page 74
■“Getting Started on OpenSolaris” on page 79
■“Configuring Server RAID Drives” on page 80
■“Mirroring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With LSI RAID” on page 82
■“Mirroring the Preinstalled OpenSolaris OS With Sun StorageTek HBA Card” on page 83
■“OpenSolaris Operating System User Information” on page 85
■“Using the OpenSolaris Installation Program” on page 85
■“Reinstalling the OpenSolaris Operating System” on page 85