Execute Disable Bit (Available when supported by the OS and the CPU.)
Set to Enabled to enable the Execute Disable Bit to allow the processor to classify areas in the system memory where an application code can and cannot execute, thus preventing a worm or a virus from creating a fl ood of codes to overwhelm the processor or damage the system during an attack. (For more information regarding hardware/software support for this function, please refer to Intel's and Microsoft's web sites.
Select Enabled to enable the function of multiple CPU core processing. if Dis- abled, one CPU execution core will be disabled.
CPU TM Function (Available when supported by the CPU.)
This feature allows the user to activate the CPU thermal monitor mechanism. TM1 allows the CPU to regulate its power consumption based upon the modulation of the CPU Internal clock when the CPU temperature reaches a
IDE Configuration Sub-Menu
IDE Configuration
This feature allows the user to confi gure the IDE mode. The options are Disabled,
Combined Mode Operation
This feature allows the user to select the IDE Combined Mode. The options are
S-ATA Ports Definition
This feature allows the user to confi gure the Serial ATA Ports. The options are
Primary IDE Channel Master/Slave, Secondary IDE Channel Master/ Slave, Third IDE Master/Slave, Fourth IDE Channel Master/Slave
These settings allow the user to set the parameters of Primary IDE Channel Master/ Slave, Secondary IDE Channel Master/Slave, Third IDE Master/Slave, Fourth IDE Channel Master/Slave slots. Hit <Enter> to activate the following