Chapter 3 Managing
OOM check options
When you check an OOM, if a parameter is found to be invalid, it can be displayed with one of two types of messages:
Message Description
Major problem that impedes Java or PowerBuilder generation
Minor problem or recommendation
These messages represent two different levels of problem severity. You can modify the level of problem severity for each object parameter that is verified by the Check model. This severity level can depend on the degree of normalization that you want to achieve in a your model.
You can also have certain problems automatically corrected.
Indicating error severity
You can use the following tools from the Check Model Parameters dialog box to indicate either an error or warning level of problem severity, and also if you want PowerDesigner to automatically correct an error:
Automatic correction
Major problem that impedes generation
Minor problem or recommendation
Indicates that PowerDesigner will correct the problem automatically
You must also choose one of the following correction options:
Manual correction
Automatic correction
Displays error and warning messages
Displays error and warning messages Corrects certain errors automatically