Defining identifiers
Defining identifiers
An identifier is a class attribute, or a combination of class attributes, whose values uniquely identify each occurrence of the class. An identifier is the OOM equivalent of a CDM identifier or a primary key or an alternate key in a PDM.
Each class must have at least one identifier. If a class has only one identifier, than it is designated by default as the primary identifier for the class. A primary identifier is the main identifier for a class.
You can attach attributes or business rules to an identifier.
Identifier properties
An identifier has the following properties:
Property | Description |
Name | Name of the identifier |
Code | Reference name for the identifier |
Comment | Descriptive comment for the identifier |
Class | Name of the class to which the identifier belongs to |
Primary | Indicates that the identifier is the primary identifier of |
identifier | the class. There can only be one primary identifier for |
| a given class |
Maximum length
An identifier definition also includes the following properties, which are defined on associated property sheets:
Business rules
Defines the characteristics of an identifier
A rule that your business follows. Business rules guide and document the creation of a model