| Creating a dependency | 109 |
| Modifying dependency properties | 111 |
| Displaying text in dependency symbols | 112 |
| Defining realizations | 114 |
| Realization properties | 114 |
| Creating a realization | 115 |
| Modifying realization properties | 116 |
| Displaying text in realization symbols | 118 |
| Defining domains | 120 |
| Domain properties | 120 |
| Creating a domain | 121 |
| Indicating data type, length, and precision | 122 |
| Selecting a data type for a domain | 123 |
| Selecting a data type from a list of standard data types. 125 | |
| Modifying domain properties | 129 |
| Defining check parameters | 130 |
| Setting standard check parameters for objects | 130 |
| Defining additional check parameters for objects | 131 |
| Using a validation rule in check parameters | 132 |
3 | Managing | 135 |
| Checking an OOM | 136 |
| Object parameters verified by Check model | 136 |
| OOM check options | 137 |
| Indicating error severity | 137 |
| Object selection in the Check Model | 138 |
| Checking a OOM | 138 |
| Making corrections based on OOM check results | 141 |
| Merging two OOM | 144 |
| Opening a Rose model in an OOM | 145 |
| Objects imported | 146 |
| Objects not imported | 147 |
4 | Reverse Engineering | 149 |
| What is reverse engineering? | 150 |
| Reverse engineering Java | 151 |
| Reverse engineering Java options | 152 |
| Loading a JDK library model in the workspace | 153 |
| Reverse engineering Java source files |
| without code body | 154 |
| Reverse engineering Java source files | 156 |
| Reverse engineering compiled Java files | 158 |
| Reverse engineering Java files from a source directory 161 | |
| Reverse engineering archived .jar or .zip files | 163 |
| Reverse engineering PowerBuilder | 166 |