Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
In the list of available data types, a variable indicates where you have to type a length or precision, as follows:
Replace with
Length with precision
Decimal precision
Undefined data | All object languages allow you to select the <undefined> data type. The |
type | <undefined> data type indicates which domains remain without data types. If |
| an <undefined> data type is present when you generate your database, it is |
| replaced by the default data type for your database. |
Selecting a data type for a domain
You can select a data type for a domain in two ways:
♦Directly from the List of Domains
♦From the property sheet for the domain
The list of standard When you select a data type for a domain from its property sheet, you can
data typeschoose a data type from a list of standard data types available in PowerDesigner. This list presents the available data types in a more structured and complete format than the abbreviated format used in the data type dropdown listbox in the list of domains.
Selecting a data type for a domain from the list
ϖTo select a data type for a domain from the list:
1Select Model➤ Domains. The list of domains appears.
2Click the domain that you want to define.
An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
3Click the Data Type attribute. A dropdown listbox appears.