Chapter 3 Managing
Opening a Rose model in an OOM
You can import a .mdl models built with Rational Rose in PowerDesigner. A new OOM is created for the Rose model, and the objects of the Rose model are translated into OOM objects.
This functionality provides you with greater scope and flexibility. You can create an OOM from a Rose model, from which you can generate Java files or objects for PowerBuilder to create applications. You can also use the OOM created from a Rose model to add to an existing OOM, or to generate a CDM or PDM for database analysis purposes.
ϖTo open a Rose model in PowerDesigner:
1Select File➤ Open
An open file dialog box appears.
2Select or browse to the directory that contains the Rose file.
3Select Rose Model (*.mdl) file from the Files of type dropdown listbox. The available Rose files are listed.
4Select a file.
5Click Open.
A message box lists all imported objects.
6Click OK.