Operating Instructions
1705A Spectrum Monitor 2-9
Table2- 2: dBm to vConversion
Reading in dBm v(75)v(50) Reading in dBm v(75)v(50)
--- 3 0 8660 7071 --- 10 5 1.540 1.257
--- 3 5 4870 3976 --- 11 0 0.866 0.707
--- 4 0 2739 2236 --- 11 5 0.487 0.398
--- 4 5 1540 1257 --- 12 0 0.274 0.224
--- 5 0 866 707 --- 1 2 5 0.154 0.126
--- 5 5 487 398 --- 1 3 0 0.087 0.071
--- 6 0 274 224 --- 1 3 5 0.049 0.040
--- 6 5 154 126 --- 1 4 0 0.027 0.022
--- 7 0 87 71 --- 1 4 5 0.015 0.013
--- 7 5 49 40 --- 1 5 0 0.009 0.007
--- 8 0 27 22 --- 1 5 5 0.005 0.004
--- 8 5 15 13 --- 1 6 0 0.003 0.002
--- 9 0 9 7 --- 1 6 5 0.002 0.001
--- 9 5 5 4 --- 1 7 0 0.001 0.001
--- 1 0 0 3 2 --- 1 7 5 0.000 0.000
The horizontalgraticule scales are divided into ten major divisions, which are
further divided into five minor di visions each. The ho rizontal scale corresponds
to frequency,with the lowest frequency to the left. Note the arrow in Figure 2-4
that signifies thatthe frequency ascends toward the right. Both the --60 and --80
dB lines are subdividedwith minor division marks. Traditionally,many
spectrum analyzer measurements and specification s areb etween 6 and 60 dB.
The availablesweep for the 1705A is 12 divisions long, which means that not all
of the frequenciesthat it is capable of displaying can be displayed simultaneous-
ly. Figure 2-5 compares the sweep length to the graticule. It shows the usable
areasof the sweep, as well as the minimum and maximum frequencies of the two
Horizontal Scales