Stream View

TMCC Screen

This screen shows the Transmission and Multiplexing Configuration Control (TMCC) content of the stream; it is updated in real time. The displayed screen (Satellite or Terrestrial) will depend on which standard is selected for analysis in the Configuration Screen (see page 3-76). In ISDB mode, summary IIP information is also shown. Detailed IIP information appears under the SI Tables view, if licensed.

The displayed information is that contained in the TMCC header blocks when that information is present in the transport stream. The information is read-only.

Figure 3-22: Stream view - TMCC screen

The TMCC screen is part of the basic installation; it is not a licensed option. If

TMCC data is not present in the stream, the TMCC button will not be displayed.

MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual
