Stream View

SI Tables Screen

This button displays the SI Tables screen; this shows the transport stream SI/PSI structure. A snapshot of the table structure is built and displayed. The progress bar indicates the progress of the analysis. The analysis can be stopped at any time before completion by selecting Stop; only the analyzed elements will be displayed. The structure can be refreshed at any time by selecting the Update button. The Update button is only enabled when new or changed information is detected in the stream.

For the DVB/ISDB information, the SI Tables view shows the structure of the Service Information (SI) and Program Specific Information (PSI), including their payload information.

In the DVB version, some of the DVB information displayed will depend on the Regional Setting in the Stream Configuration dialog (see page 3-74), since there are regional variations in the specification of some of the descriptors.

Similarly, for ATSC information, the SI Tables view shows the structure of the Service Information (SI), Program Specific Information (PSIP), including their payload information and the Program Identifier Table (A/57).


MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual