Stream View
Bit Rate Limits
For each PID Group, you can set a minimum () and maximum () bit rate limit. If the incoming bit rate falls outside the values that have been set, an alarm is indicated on the screen by the graphical bit rate bar changing from green to red or yellow; the corresponding State icon is also set to the correct color. This test can also activate the external alarm outputs. When enabled, the limits appear as in the following diagram:
Minimum Limit | Maximum Limit |
The maximum and minimum bit rate limits are set in the Limits dialog box; click on the program bar to open the dialog box:
The maximum and minimum values can be set either by using the appropriate slider bar or by entering a value in the numeric field. Values are expressed in kilobytes per second. The Enabled checkbox must be selected before the limit will be implemented.
The Bit Rate Limits of all PID Groups can be disabled and reset by selecting the Clear Limits button at the top of the PID groups screen.
MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual |