Stream View

The lower half of the screen displays an overview of the tests applied to the stream. The tests are grouped as follows:

First Priority: Lists the first priority tests in DVB, ISDB or ATSC order.

Other: Summarizes all test groups except First Priority. The groups are derived from the Tests screen (see page 3-23).

Custom: Represents the highest error state present in the events associated with the category. (These can be edited on the Custom screen, see page 3-26.)

The button to the left of the test name shows the current error status of the individual test or, in the case of test groups, the highest error state reported by any test within that group (see also Color Coding, page 2-11).

All tests can be reset using Reset All.

The Stream State summary table shows the overall status of the stream in terms of error severity and event classification.

A summary of stream statistics is provided at the bottom of the screen. The fields are as follows:

TS Bit Rate: Overall bit rate of stream.

TS ID:Transport stream identity; derived from the Program Association Table (PAT).

Packet Size: Transport stream packet size (188/204).

Network: Network name; derived from the Network Information Table (NIT) in the stream.

Interface: Indicates the interface selected.

(see Configuration Screen, page 3-76.)

PIDs:Number of Packet Identifiers (PIDs) in the transport stream.

BER:Bit Error Rate (Only displayed with L-Band (QPSK) or QAM interfaces).

MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual
