Stream View

The maximum and minimum bit rate limits are set in the Limits dialog. Click on the program bar to open the dialog box:

Only users logged on as Administrator can adjust bit rate limits. Users logged on as User can only view the limits.

The maximum and minimum values can be set either by using the appropriate slider bar or by entering a value in the numeric field. Values are expressed in kilobytes per second. The Enabled checkbox must be selected before the limit will be implemented. To confirm the settings select the OK button; to discard any changes, select the Cancel button.

The Bit Rate Limits of all programs in a stream can be disabled and reset by selecting the Clear Limits button at the top of the Programs screen.

PMT Test

The PMT column shows the results of the PMT test (MPEG Test 1.5) for specific programs; green indicates a pass, red indicates a fail, and yellow indicates a previous fail. Normally the test is enabled for all of the programs in a stream, but programs with known problems can be excluded by right-clicking the test button and selecting Disable; the button is colored gray.

MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual
