Device View

Typical display elements are described in the following paragraphs:


A button showing the State of the event.


(See Color Coding, page 2-11.)

A right-click on the button will open a popup menu that allows you to reset the error or enable/disable the event monitoring. Double-clicking the button will toggle event monitoring between enabled and disabled.


Name of the Error event (for example, Fan).


An icon indicating whether an audible alarm (Alm) will sound


when an error of the type occurs. Double-clicking the icon will


toggle its state: enabled or disabled.


- Disabled;

- Enabled


(See the MTM400 MPEG Test Technical Reference for


additional details.)



An icon indicating whether the TTL (TTLn) will activate


when an error occurs. Double-clicking the icon will toggle its


state: enabled or disabled.


- Disabled;

- Enabled


(See the MTM400 MPEG Test Technical Reference for


additional details.)



(T- and T+) Indicates whether SNMP trap messages should


be sent when a specific event starts and finishes.


- Off (gray);

- On (yellow)


An icon indicating whether the relay (RLYn) will activate


when an error occurs. Double-clicking the icon will toggle its


state: enabled or disabled.


- Disabled;

- Enabled

(See the MTM400 MPEG Test Technical Reference for additional details.)

MTM400 MPEG Transport Stream Monitor User Manual
